
Publikaties / Lezingen / Ontwerpen

Nierop, O.A. van (1983) Form follows function. KIO Bulletin, 69-70, pp. 12-13.

Smets, G.J.F. m.m.v. O.A. van Nierop (1986) Vormleer: de paradox van de vorm. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker.

Smets, G.J.F., Stratmann, M.H., Overbeeke, C.J., Nierop, O.A. van (1988) Perceptual Meaning: the Theory of Direct Perception and its Implications for Industrial Design. Proceedings of the Xth International Colloquium on Empirical Aesthetics, October 14-16, Barcellonna, Italy.

Nierop, O.A. van (1988) Het is maar hoe je het ziet. Lezing Academie Arnhem, 8 maart.

Nierop, O.A. van (1988) Menschen lieben Blumen: eine neue Formtheorie. Proceedings 5. Internationaler Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Semiotik.

Nierop, O.A. van (1989) Formsemantik, direkte Formtheorie und anschliessende Ubungen. Proceedings Workshop Design und Identitaet: Produktgestaltung, Anpassung oder Abgrenzung? 19-20 Jan. Essen / 27 Jan. Wuppertal.

Smets, G.J.F., Stratmann, M.H., Nierop, O.A. van, Overbeeke, C.J., & Stappers, P.J. (1989) Some consequences of the direct theory of perception for training perceptual skills. Coupling Perception and Action. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Event Perception and Action. July 24-28, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, U.S.A.

Smets, G.J.F., m.m.v. O.A. van Nierop (1989) Die neue Formlehre. form + zweck, 21, 3, 32-33.

Nierop, O.A. van (1992-3) Ontwerp van een verzendbaar display voor de presentatie van TUDelft voorlichtingsmateriaal ten behoeve van het V.W.O. Uitvoering 2D3D.

Nierop, O.A. van (1992) Formsemantik, direkte Formtheorie und anschließend Uebungen. In: N. Hammer & B. Kutschinski-Schuster (Eds.) Design und Identität. Düsseldorf: VDID, 49-51.

Smets, G.J.F., Stappers, P.J., Overbeeke, C.J., Nierop, O.A. van, & Blankendaal, A.C.M. (1994) Beeldspel. Delft: Delft University Press.

Nierop, O.A. van, Blankendaal, A.M., & Overbeeke, C.J. (1997) The evolution of the bicycle: A dynamic systems approach. Journal of Design History, 10(3), 253-267.

Nierop, O.A. van, Helm, A. van der, Overbeeke, C.J., Djajadiningrat, T.J.P. (2008) A natural human hand model. The Visual Computer. 24, 31-44.

Nierop, O.A. van, Stappers, P.-J.: Creative simulation in design processes. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering - TMCE 2008 (Izmir, Turkey), pp. 1363-1364. Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.


O.A. van Nierop
via my "mother" faculty:
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
A.J.C. van der Helm
Landbergstraat 15
2628 CE Delft,
The Netherlands
room: 10-2A-19
phone: +31 15 27 81966

or direct at:
Pi-lab (3TU project)
Man-Machine Interaction Gr.,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics,
and Computer Science
P.O. Box 5031
2600 GA, Delft,
The Netherlands
Mekelweg 4 room: HB 12-150/160
phone: +31 15 27 86836 cellphone: +31 65 20 17056
email: o.a.vannierop@tudelft.nl

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Maria Montessori
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Andy Warhol
Richard Buckminster Fuller

Last update: Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 8:14:52 PM