

Symposium Speakers

Prof. David Keyson (TUD)

David Keyson leads the Social and Contextual Interaction Design group at the department of Industrial Design and is currently project leader for Smart Surroundings, Interaction and Design as well as representative for IO in the collaboration with the faculty of Architecture. Prior to joining TU Delft, he worked for ten years in industry, including, Philips Research as a Senior Research Scientist in Media Interaction and at Xerox in the department of Industrial Design and Human Interface. He holds a PhD from the Technical University of Eindhoven in Perception and Technology and Masters of Science in Ergonomics from Loughborough University. Dr. Keyson has authored numerous scientific papers in journals such as Presence, Ergonomics, Applied Ergonomics, Displays, Universal Access Information Society and Personal Ubiquitous Computing. He holds 16 patents relating to input devices and design principles of user-system interaction. His involvement in professional societies includes IUI, CHI and the 3rd Conference on Intelligent Environments in 2007, as member of the Program Committee [from the Studiolab Website].

Dr. Ramia Maze (Interactive Institute, Sweden)
Ramia Mazé is a design researcher, manager and educator focusing on participatory and critical methods for developing design products and technology systems. At the Interactive Institute in Sweden since 2001, she has been involved in interdisciplinary and international research projects in the areas of smart textiles, interactive architecture, and sustainable design. In the area of sustainability, she has been involved in the development of a series of design research programs sponsored by the Swedish Energy Agency √ co-initiating the Static! program in 2004 and leading the Switch! program in 2008 √ which engage design materials and methods to rethink issues of energy use. She has been director of the institute's studio in Göteborg and is currently a project leader in the Design Research Unit in Stockholm. She lectures at postgraduate art, design and technology programs and is currently on the faculty of the Experience Design program at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design. Previously, she worked at MetaDesign San Francisco and Philips Research Lab in the UK, and she holds degrees in interaction design and in architecture..

Cees Midden:
Prof. Cees Midden (TUE)

Cees Midden has been a professor at Eindhoven University since 1991. He specializes in the interaction between humans and technological systems with a research focus on the social and cognitive factors of human-technology interactions as these become apparent in the consumption and use of products and systems. More specific topics include the promotion of environmental consumer behaviour, the perception and communication of technological risks and social and affective responses to new technology.

Prof. Krithi Ramamritham
(IIT Bombay, India)
Krithi Ramamritham is a professor and the Dean of Research & Development at IIT Bombay since July 2006. His research explores timeliness and consistency issues in computer systems, in particular, databases, real-time systems, and distributed applications. His recent work addresses these issues in the context of Dynamic Data in sensor networks, embedded systems, mobile environments and the web.

During the last few years he has been interested in the use of Information and Communication Technologies for creating tools aimed at socio-economic development.

Pascal Soboll
(IDEO Munich, Germany )
Pascal Soboll is co-lead of the Consumer Experience Design Practice at IDEO‚s Munich office. Before joining the Munich team he worked in the IDEO offices in London and Palo Alto, California.

Pascal has joined IDEO after graduating from Stanford‚s Product Design Program and has since been driving a large variety of conceptual and strategic innovation projects, as well as innovation workshops and Industrial Design projects. Clients he worked with include P&G, Nestle, Braun, Steelcase, BMW and DaimlerChrysler.

In the past, Pascal worked as a scientist for DaimlerChrysler‚s ŒResearch and Technology‚ lab in the field of Nonlinear Dynamics. Pascal‚s background is in Theoretical Physics, which he studied at the University of Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

He has been a guest lecturer at Stanford‚s Product Design program and at Cranbrook University.

Gert Spaargaren:
Prof. Gert Spaargaren (Wageningen UR)

Gert Spaargaren is a professor and senior lecturer at the ENP-group and coordinator at interim of the Research Methodology Group. He has carried out and supervised a number of major national and international research projects in various parts of the world and in several EU-countries. His fields of expertise are sustainable consumption and lifestyles, social theory and the environment, domestic consumption of energy, water and waste-services, sociology of environmental flows, and sociological theory. 


David Keyson
Ramia Maze
Cees Midden
Krithi Ramamritham
Pascal Soboll
Gert Spaargaren

Suggested Reading:

Sustainability by Design
Design of Everyday Life
In the Bubble

Related Links:

Base of the Pyramid Symposium
Contextmapping Symposium (past)



Last update: Sunday, December 11, 2011 at 6:48:57 PM