
Product sound design

The research into Product Sound Design comprises the experience and the design of sound as it is implemented in or radiated by industrial products. Although we are confronted with these sounds during the interaction with products, most sounds are not designed and are therefore not functional or evoke a wrong experience. Our main goal is to obtain fundamental knowledge on the experience of these sounds and to make it applicable for designers.

Projects in this field:
Fundamentals of Product Sound Perception (Phd. Project)
Elif Özcan Vieira
Promoter: Prof. Dr. Jan Jacobs
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. René van Egmond
Product sound experience and underlying cognitive functions (categorization, memory, identification, and labeling) are investigated through experimental studies. Findings offer designers guidelines to understand the mental representations related to product sounds. Moreover, a methodology is being developed that facilitates the product sound design process and the communication within the design team.

Other related projects:

Last update: Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 11:30:21 PM