
Designer Interaction with Informal Collections of Visual Material


Rector Magnificus
Prof. dr. P.J. Stappers
Prof. J.M. Hennessey
Prof. dr. J.P.L. Schoormans
Prof. dr. ir. J.B.O.S. Martens
Prof. dr. B. Laurel
Prof. G. Crampton Smith
Prof. dr. K.P. Lee


Defence on November 11, 2005 at 10:30 AM in the Senate Room of the Aula. At 10:00 AM a short presentation of the key findings.
Meer Promotieceremonie (Dutch)
sticker 7: A picture of me presenting the Cabinet at the PhD Day, a yearly event for our faculty researchers to present their work to each other.    Cabinet and the field test from chapter 6 were presented as a poster, but clearly fell out of each category, and won an award hors concours. Hopefully a prototype category will be added to the PhD Day in the coming years.    This poster at the PhD Day resulted in an invitation to demonstrate Cabinet to the Innovation Platform.    This picture was taken on June 25, 2004 by Aldo Hoeben, who came over from Schiedam for this on request by Pieter Jan Stappers.    On flickr.com/photos/cabinet/sets/ are many more pictures of Cabinet presentations

General Discussion

In the general discussion I look back at the results from this research, describe the consequences for collecting and talk about the method of doing research through design, working with prototypes and future research. Chapter 7 General Discussion contains the complete chapter.

Flickr for inspiration

Links to related projects:

The TRI Setup
ACT 02

Links to related topics:

Cabinet of Curiosities
Research through Design
Idea Generation Methods
Context mapping

More inspiration only

Louis Pasteur
Albert Einstein

Last update: Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 9:39:14 PM